How to Use Pegboard

Learn how to use pegboard throughout your home and business for improved organization! Pegboard is a material typically used in the home for organizing tools and other household items. It can also be found in many commercial industries because of its versatility and...

Garage Pegboard Solutions

Are you bogged down by the stuff in your garage? If you answered yes, it won’t be a problem after reading this article. We all like well-organized and well-maintained workplaces. Therefore, let Pacific Panel tell you that workshop organization was meant for...

Wooden Pegboards Use in the Home

Since the industrial revolution, there has been an improvement in product development all around the world. Persistent technological developments introduce improvements in existing products. Historically, screws or hooks were drilled into walls to organize items. Many...

What are Pegboards?

Home and tool organization have come a long way since their origins. In earlier days, a variety of nails and screws were installed in walls to hang tools or equipment. Even kitchens were sparse with only a pantry and work tables rather than today’s complex...